School Policies


Admission: High School Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or Demonstration of 12th grade reading and mathematics Level.

To register, please give us a call at (212) 868-5990 at least three business days in advance, before the course(s) begins. Registration is on a first come first serve basis, therefore early registration is bly recommended. Once the course prerequisite is met, the student will be presented with an enrollment agreement before enrolling into a course. Please refer to the course prerequisites for each course at the end of this catalog.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.


CbI is committed to serving a large, diverse student population from a wide range of demographics. We seek highly motivated students and strive to provide an environment conducive to learning and equal opportunity for all.

We do not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition, carrier status, or sexual orientation in our admissions, educational programs, services, activities, and treatment of students.

Equal Employment Opportunity

CbI is committed to providing equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected status with respect to recruitment, hiring, upgrades, training, promotion, and other terms and conditions of employment.


If a student cancels his/her enrollment agreement prior to or on the first day of instruction, he/she has a right to a full refund of all charges. In addition, a student may withdraw from a course after instruction has started will receive a prorated refund for the unused portion of the tuition and other refundable charges if the student has completed 60% or less of the instruction. The school will also refund money collected from a third party on the student’s behalf such as license or application fees. If the school cancels or discontinues a course or educational program, the school will make an appropriate refund of all charges. All refunds will be paid within 30 days of written cancellation or withdrawal.

Mini Courses (1-6 weeks courses)

A student, who cancels within 7 days of signing the enrollment agreement but before instruction begins, will receive all tuition with the exception of the non-refundable registration fee. Thereafter, a student will be liable for:

  • The non-refundable registration fee plus
  • The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted
  • Tuition liability as of the student’s last date of physical attendance
  • Tuition liability is determined by the percentage of the program offered to the student.

If termination occurs during the following:

  • Percent of program attended
  • School may retain
  • 0-15%
  • 15%
  • 16-30%
  • 25%
  • 31-45%
  • 50%
  • 46-60%
  • 75%
  • 60% and Above
  • 100%

Not all the mini courses we offer are included in the table above. Please refer to our school mini Enrollment Agreements for the details of each course.


Failure of the student to immediately notify in writing the school director, of his/her intent to withdraw, may delay a refund of the tuition to the student pursuant to section 5002 (3) of the Education Law.

IQuarter Courses (7-14 weeks and 14+ weeks, divided into several quarters)

A student who cancels within 7 days of signing the enrollment agreement but before instruction begins receives all tuitions returned with the exception of the non-refundable registration fee. Thereafter, a student will be liable for:

  • The non-refundable registration fee plus
  • The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted
  • Tuition liability as of the student’s last date of physical attendance
  • Tuition liability is determined by the percentage of the program offered to the student.


Integer sem nulla, condimentum sit amet elit id, sodales convallis arcu. Nullam varius pulvinar tristique. Suspendisse potenti. Nam bibendum diam risus, et vulputate mauris viverra ut.


If termination occurs during the following:

  • Period of the Quarter
  • School may retain
  • Prior to or during the first week
  • 0%
  • During the second week
  • 25%
  • During the third week
  • 50%
  • During the fourth week
  • 75%
  • After the fourth week
  • 100%

Not all the quarter courses we offer included in the table above; please refer to our school quarter Enrollment Agreements for the details of each course.

Failure of the student to immediately notify the school director, in writing, of the students’ intent to withdraw may delay a refund of the tuition to the student pursuant to section 5002 (3) of the Education Law.


A student may make-up the class during the next class cycle, within 6 months from the registered date. A student may only make-up the class with the exact same course title.

Students may retake courses for FREE if they do not pass their certification exam(s). A student may make-up the class based on the availability of classes and seats. A student must consult with school staff for the availability of classes and seats. Offer is subject to availability of seats and upon approval. (For international students – until the visa expires)


In order to remain in good academic standing a student must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and fulfill all other requirements of CbI. The institute reserves the right to require withdrawal, at any time, of a student who has failed to give satisfactory evidence of sincerity of purpose in his/her efforts.

A student would have to be put on probation for one marking period (3 months) or dismissed if his/her GPA falls below 2.0 at the midpoint or if his/her attendance falls below 85%.

Satisfactory Progress

A student must (1) score 2.0 or higher out of a 4.0 grade point average (65% of total score), and (2) complete 85% or more of the total course hours to be awarded a certification of completion or diploma.

Grading System

  • Percentage
  • Letter Grade
  • 97-100%
  • A+
  • 93-96%
  • A
  • 90-92%
  • A-
  • 87-89%
  • b+
  • 83-86%
  • b
  • 80-82%
  • b-
  • 77-79%
  • C+
  • 73-76%
  • C
  • 70-72%
  • C-
  • 67-69%
  • D+
  • 60-66%
  • D
  • 0-59%
  • F

I – Incomplete

W – Withdrawal

A student’s work will be graded according to the following scale.

The Purpose of the Standard

To assist each student with accomplishing his/her educational goal by:

  • Alerting the student and the school of the academic difficulties or deficiencies.
  • Providing the opportunity for the school to be of greater assistance to the student in setting and achieving academic goals.
  • Assisting the student in utilizing the facilities and personnel of the school.
  • Creating an atmosphere in which the student may become successful in his/her pursuit of an education.

Academic Review and Referral

At the end of each term, the school reviews the grade point average achieved by each student enrolled in two or more classes. If a student’s term GPA falls below 2.00, the student is notified of their academic status and referred to the director for academic assistance. The following statuses can be assigned:

  • Warning
  • Probation
  • Suspension


A Certificate of Completion is to be awarded to each student completing a course or curriculum. It is to reflect the name and address of the institution, the student’s name, the course/curriculum, and the date of completion. Copies of the certificate of completion are to be kept in the student’s academic file. The certificate of completion is critical in assisting students upon school closure.


Regular attendance is required. Absences may occur, and make-up opportunities are available to assist you in keeping up with your scheduled progress. Every effort must be made to maintain 85% attendance. Any student who is absent more than 15% of the total number of instructional hours offered during the first half of the student’s program, not including leaves of absence, and who has not maintained satisfactory academic progress shall be dismissed.

Instructors must maintain an attendance record for each student. The record of attendance will be used to calculate a student’s tuition refund, and report to the responsible company or agency for the students training tuition.


Tardiness is marked 15 minutes after class start time. Students reporting late to class are charged with late reports which are recorded against their records. After 3 late recordings, an absence will be charged. Classes must start on time and unless students have a very good reason for being late, they are required to be in their seat when attendance is taken. Instructors could refuse a student entry into class if he/she frequently reports late to class.


Students requesting a leave of absence must submit a leave of absence form for approval. If a student fails to return to school on the return date given, he/she will be dismissed. The student will be evaluated upon his/her return and placed at the appropriate part of the program based upon the amount of the program content that the student has remaining.

If a student is forced to interrupt his/her course for reasons of serious illness, accident, or other circumstances deemed justifiable by the School Director, he/she will be permitted to repeat the phase in whole or part without any additional charge. A leave of absence can be no more than 30 days. After this point a student must withdraw and re-enroll


  • After the first (1st) absence without notifying the school – The school will contact the student.
  • After the second (2nd) absence without notifying the school – The school will notify student in writing, along with student’s current attendance record.
  • After the third (3rd) absence without notifying the school – The school will notify the student of their dismissal status in writing, along with student’s current attendance record.


The Tuition Reimbursement Fund is designed to protect the financial interest of students attending proprietary schools. If a school closes while you are in attendance, prior to the completion of your educational program, then you may be eligible for a refund of all tuition expenses which you have paid. If you drop out of school prior to completion and you file a complaint against the school with the State Education Department, you may be eligible to receive a tuition refund if the State Education Department is able to provide factual support that your complaint is valid and to determine that there was a violation of Education Law or the Commissioner’s Regulation as specified in Section 126.17 of the Commissioner’s Regulations. To file a claim to the Tuition Reimbursement fund, you must first file a complaint with the State Education Department and the staff of the State Education Department will assist you in the preparation of a tuition reimbursement form.

Students can file a complaint, file a claim to the tuition reimbursement fund, or get additional information at:

New York State Education Department
bureau of Proprietary School Supervision
116 West 32nd Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Tel. (212) 643-4760


Probation is designed to correct student behavior and deficiencies. Probation and other corrective remedies are designed for the improvement of the individual student, and for the betterment of the student body at large. It is the responsibility of the school to identify deficiencies and take measures to correct such, to provide the student with the best opportunity to enhance their skills and achieve their career goals. A student may be placed on probation for academic failure or poor attendance. See “Academic Progress” for probation resulting from academic failure. See “Attendance Policy” for probation resulting from poor attendance.

A student shall be placed on two-week probation for academic or attendance deficiencies. The notice of probation shall be in writing, and will specify both the problem(s), and the expected corrective measure(s). Failure to meet academic requirements or have a subsequent unexcused absence during the probation period shall lead to suspension. A student who has been suspended will be allowed to return to the next available class.

At the discretion of the administration, a student may be placed on a two-week probation or dismissed, and their enrollment terminated, for breaking the school’s “Student Conduct Policy”, including but not limited to, being under the influence, consuming, selling, or possession of drugs or alcohol on school premises, possession of a weapon on school premises; behavior creating a safety hazard to others on school premises; disobedient or disrespectful behavior to another student, administrator, or faculty member; any violation of local, state, or federal law; or, for failure to meet financial obligations.

Once suspended, a student will have no more than one year to return to the school, and meet the school’s standards to successfully complete their course or program. Students, who fail to do so, will be dismissed and their enrollments terminated. If a student is terminated from a Course or Program, a prorated refund will be calculated in accordance with the school’s published refund policy.


Students are encouraged to bring any complaints to the attention of the Director or the Manager who will address the matter. If the situation warrants it, the student may request a meeting with the Director, or send a letter to CbI detailing the problem. A written response will be made within 10 business days from the receipt of a written complaint. The Director can appoint a committee of at least three people to assess the situation. The staff and the faculty of CbI are committed to assisting the students as much as possible in resolving any problems that may interfere with their success. Use the school’s internal grievance procedure or discuss your problems with teachers, department heads or the school director. We suggest that you do so in writing and that you keep copies of all correspondence to the school. The school cannot require you to do this before you file a complaint with the New York State Education Department. If you do file a complaint with the New York State Education Department, please advise the bureau of any actions that you take to attempt to resolve the grievance.

Grievances may also be directed to the New York State Department of Education, bureau of Proprietary School Supervision. If you are or were a student or an employee of a Licensed Private or Registered business School in the State of New York and you believe that the school or anyone representing the school has acted unlawfully, you have the right to file a complaint to:

New York State Education Department,
bureau of Proprietary School Supervision,
116 West 32nd Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001, (212) 643-4760


If he/she cancels his/her enrollment agreement prior to or on the first day of instruction, the student has a right to a full refund of all charges. In addition, a student may withdraw from a course after instruction has started and receive a prorated refund for the unused portion of the tuition and other refundable charges if the student has completed 60% or less of the instruction. The school will also refund money collected from a third party on the student’s behalf such as license or application fees. If the school cancels or discontinues a course or educational program, the school will make an appropriate refund of all charges. All refunds will be paid within 30 days of written cancellation or withdrawal.

Mini Courses (1-6 weeks courses)

A student, who cancels within 7 days of signing the enrollment agreement but before instruction begins, will receive all tuition with the exception of the non-refundable registration fee. Thereafter, a student will be liable for:

  • The non-refundable registration fee plus
  • The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted
  • Tuition liability as of the student’s last date of physical attendance
  • Tuition liability is determined by the percentage of the program offered to the student.
  • If termination occurs
  • School may retains
  • 0 –15% of the program
  • 15%
  • 16-30% of the program
  • 25%
  • 31-45% of the program
  • 50%
  • 46-60% of the program
  • 75%
  • After 60% of the program
  • 100%

Not all the mini courses we offer are included in the table above. Please refer to our school mini Enrollment Agreements for the details of each course.


Failure of the student to immediately notify the school director, in writing, of the students’ intent to withdraw, may delay a refund of the tuition to the student pursuant to section 5002 (3) of the Education Law.

Quarter Courses (7-14 wk courses; for 14+ wks, divided into several quarters)

A student who cancels within 7 days of signing the enrollment agreement but before instruction begins receives all tuitions returned with the exception of the non-refundable registration fee. Thereafter, a student will be liable for:

  • The non-refundable registration fee plus
  • The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted
  • Tuition liability as of the student’s last date of physical attendance
  • Tuition liability is determined by the percentage of the program offered to the student.


  • If termination occurs
  • School may retains
  • Prior to or during the first week
  • 0%
  • During the second week
  • 25%
  • During the third week
  • 50%
  • During the fourth week
  • 75%
  • After the fourth week
  • 100%

Not all the quarter courses we offer included in the table above; please refer to our school quarter Enrollment Agreements for the details of each course.


Failure of the student to immediately notify the school director, in writing, of the students’ intent to withdraw may delay a refund of the tuition to the student pursuant to section 5002 (3) of the Education Law.

What Our Students Say